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    Mapping of the Natura 2000 site FR5300017 Abers - Cote des legendes was jointly performed in the framework of three different actions: (i) the Natura 2000 convention for Brittany, and (iii) CARTHAM Project. It is based on the interpretation of various types of data from a number of surveys carried out between 2005-2012 both in the intertidal and subtidal zones. Additionally the seabed ┬½ Carte G ┬╗ from the French hydrographic survey (SHOM) was used in the interpretation process. In the tidal zone the identification was made by interpreting coastal ortho-photographs from BD Ortho (2005 et 2009) and digitising them on scale 1 : 2000├¿me with further qualification of the polygons based on ground truth data. A confidence score in the [0-100] scale has been assigned to each polygon (SUM_CONF field) The compilation comprises the following various data sources. Lamarche S., Bajjouk T., 2013. Cartographie des habitats benthiques intertidaux du site Natura 2000 FR 5300017 - Abers - C├┤tes des l├®gendes - Parties estuariennes. R├®f. RST - DYNECO/AG/13-05/TB. Rollet C., Bonnot-Courtois Ch., Hamon N. et Loarer R., 2010. Carte des habitats benthiques intertidaux du secteur des Abers - Zone intertidale (multisource Rebent,) - Echelle : 1/10 000 ErHold et al., (2012, unpublished). Cartographie de natures des fonds subtidaux du secteur des Abers - C├┤tes des l├®gendes. TBM, 2012. Inventaire cartographique des habitats marins du site Natura 2000 Abers C├┤tes des L├®gendes FR5300017. Rapport CRTHAM, 104 p.